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MU Info is a weekly list of announcements published by MU’s Division of IT and Digital Service sent to all faculty, staff and students. To submit an entry visit

Improvements are coming to MU Info!
MU Info is currently undergoing a makeover that will improve and enhance the customer and the audience experiences! Changes will include: three different article types, article categories, improved user experience, the ability to choose non-consecutive publication dates, an archive of past publications on the website and access to analytics. To learn more, visit the MU Info page.

Announcement sponsored by Digital Service and DoIT
MU School of Medicine Premedical Rural Education Program (PREP) Application Now Open!
The MU School of Medicine Premedical Rural Education Program (PREP) is a post-baccalaureate program for Missouri rural background, college graduates interested in applying to medical school. Applicants accepted to PREP will complete online modules, participate in required workshops and activities and complete a graduate certificate program during the two-year program to prepare and enhance their application to medical school. PREP participants will receive an annual $12,000 stiped to assist with costs. For general and academic eligibility requirements, please visit the PREP website. For additional questions, please contact Applications are due by Tuesday, April 1.

Announcement sponsored by Rural Scholars Program
People who have had a recent stroke needed for telehealth rehabilitation study
We are conducting a research study evaluating a virtual self-management intervention. Eligible participants are 45-80 years old and had a stroke in the last 6 months, live in the community and can read/write/speak English. This study will last for 8 months. There will be 6, 90-minute weekly sessions. You will be at your home for sessions by videoconferencing. We will administer assessments before and after the intervention and 6-months after. Assessments will take 2 hours, and you will be paid $75 for each. The assessments will consist of questionnaires, interviews and thinking tests. This study is completed virtually, so no campus visit is required. Contact Meghan Doherty at or 573-882-1777.

Announcement sponsored by Occupational Therapy
Research Participants Wanted Who are Sick with COVID-19 or the Flu
Do you have the flu or COVID-19 that is confirmed as positive by at-home test or at a clinic within the last 5 days, English speaking and 18 years or older? We are examining how flu or COVID-19 influences our body’s immune responses against the virus and how the virus spreads. Participants can follow this link: to learn more about the study. We will ask you to provide blood sample and nasal swab within 5 days of illness, and then a blood sample about 7 days, 1-, 3- and 6- months afterwards at the University Hospital. Participants receive $20 e-gift card per visit for up to $100 total compensation. For information contact PI: Dr. Xiu-Feng (Henry) Wan.

Announcement sponsored by the Molecular Microbiology & Immunology Department
Hiring Today for Summer 2025 and Fall 2025 with MU Adventure Club’s Before & After School Program
Summer 2025: If you’ll be in Columbia June 2-27 & love working with kids, spend 4 wks with our kids apply here. Must be avail. Mon-Fri. Shifts: 6:40-8:05 a.m., 2:25-5:45 p.m. & 3-5:45p.m. $15.00/hour. Fall 2025: Don’t wait until August to apply for the Fall 2025 semester. We are interviewing & hiring now before students leave for the summer. Adventure Club is a before & after school program located in elementary schools in Columbia. Available shifts: 6:40-8:05 a.m., 2:25-5:45 p.m. & 3-5:45 p.m. Mon-Fri & can work 2-10 shifts/wk. Your schedule stays consistent for the semester. Pay is $15.00. Semester starts August 19, 2025. Apply here. If hired, you will need physical forms of ID in Columbia.

Announcement sponsored by College of Education and Human Development
Peace Corps Panel Discussion
Tuesday, April 1, 2025, 5 p.m., via Zoom. Thinking about international service after graduation? Join this panel featuring seasoned Peace Corps volunteers to hear about their experiences and get an inside look at what serving in the Peace Corps is really like. Learn how service-minded graduates make an impact around the world each year and how you can too. Register now on Engage.

Announcement sponsored by MU Honors College & Office of Global and National Fellowships
NOW HIRING GRADUATING SENIORS! Learn more about Missouri College Advising Corps.
Are you a graduating senior planning a bridge (gap) year or seeking a great opportunity? Join the Missouri College Advising Corps (MCAC)! MCAC recruits, trains and places recent college graduates of any academic discipline as full-time, near-peer college advisers in partner high schools in the Kansas City, St. Louis and Southern Missouri regions. MCAC college advisers help students and their families identify their "best fit" postsecondary option and navigate college admissions, financial aid and planning processes. Join our 2025-2026 cohort and help high school students across the state pursue their dreams. Learn more about our program and application process at

Announcement sponsored by Office of Academic Access and Leadership Development
Applications Now Open for the Kinder Institute’s 2025-26 Society of Fellows
Open to undergrads of all majors at Mizzou, the Kinder Institute’s Society of Fellows provides students with a chance to spend a full academic year immersing themselves in an intellectual community devoted to studying the complicated history of constitutional democracy in the U.S. and around the globe. The program kicks off with a conference at the Tiger Hotel the week before classes start in August and continues throughout the fall and spring with various events designed specifically for the Fellows. Application materials can be found here (deadline April 6), and the Kinder Institute will host an optional info session on Friday, March 7, at 1 p.m. in Jesse 410. Contact Dr. Thomas Kane,, with any questions.

Announcement sponsored by Kinder Institute on Constitutional Democracy
Funding available for collaborations with South Africa
The call for proposals is now open for Mizzou faculty interested in building scholarly collaborations with colleagues in South Africa. Since 1986, the University of Missouri South African Education Program has sponsored academic exchanges between the University of Missouri System and the University of the Western Cape, as well as collaborative projects initiated with other partners in South Africa, to pursue educational projects and activities of mutual benefit. Learn more about this storied partnership during the UMSAEP Virtual Symposium at noon Thursday, April 10, on Zoom, then submit your proposal by Aug. 15!

Announcement sponsored by MU International Programs
Women aged 18-55 needed for cardiovascular study!
The Nutrition and Exercise Physiology Department is recruiting healthy women who are non-nicotine users between the ages of 18-55 for a research study. This project examines how blood flow in women changes during pre- and perimenopause. This study has one 30-min informational Zoom, one 60-min in-person screen visit and one 7-hour research visit. Participants will be compensated up to $250 for their time and effort. Please contact or visit to complete a short questionnaire to find out if you qualify!

Announcement sponsored by Nutrition and Exercise Physiology
Free Relationship Education Classes for Singles-Day and Evening Options!
Don't rely on luck in relationships! Join us over Zoom to learn strategies and tips to strengthen your communication skills, discover qualities of a good partner and enrich your own personal well-being in this eight week class. Earn gift cards for class and survey completion! Participants must be single or not in a committed relationship, and living in Missouri. For more information or to set up your enrollment meeting, contact us at 573-882-4325 or email Start dates: Mar. 12, Wednesdays 6:30-8:30 p.m.; Mar. 13, Thursdays 7-9 p.m.; Mar. 25, Tuesdays 8-10 p.m.; Mar. 27, Thursdays 12-2 p.m.

Announcement sponsored by ShowMe Healthy Relationships
Research Participants Needed
We are recruiting participants for a research study on cannabis and alcohol use. You may be eligible if you are 1) age 18 to 45, 2) are interested in quitting or cutting back on alcohol use (including if you are in treatment for alcohol) and 3) use cannabis regularly (3+ times per week). Participation involves a brief survey and a 10-minute pre-screening call to determine eligibility, a 1-hour meeting at our lab or on Zoom plus completing smartphone app surveys for three weeks. This study will not provide treatment. You will be compensated up to $170 for your participation. If you are interested in participation please complete this screener or for more information contact Dr. Wycoff and project staff at

Announcement sponsored by Department of Psychiatry
Hypertensive volunteers or obese volunteers needed for vascular research study
The Department of Medicine-Endocrinology and Metabolism is recruiting hypertensive (systolic blood pressure greater than or equal to 130 mmHg and/or diastolic blood pressure greater than or equal to 80 mmHg) or obese (BMI greater than or equal to 30) men and women between the ages of 18-35 for a research study exploring arterial stiffness markers in individuals with obesity or hypertension. This study involves a one-hour visiting time for a single clinic visit in the University Hospital’s Clinical & Translational Science Unit. The study visit will include a blood draw and monitoring via sensors. Participants will be compensated $50 gift card for their time and effort. To participate, please email:

Announcement sponsored by Medicine
Men and women needed for a 6-week study examining effects of lean beef on health and gut microbiome.
Are you 18-45 years old and have a weight status classified as normal, overweight or mildly obese (BMI: 18-35 kg/m2)? If so, you might be eligible to participate in a study examining the effects of lean beef on cardiometabolic health outcomes and gut microbiome. This study involves a 1-hr screening visit, two 3-hr and one 1-hr research visits at Gwynn Hall/CRC. Main study measurements involve blood, stool and sensory tests. Study foods (cooked meat portions) provided. Total compensation for study is $200. For more information, contact Elaheh Rabbani in the Department of Nutrition and Exercise Physiology, University of Missouri at

Announcement sponsored by Department of Nutrition and Exercise Physiology
Is your child on track?
The Boone County Early Childhood Coalition (BCECC) can help you find out with free screening to assess the general development and social-emotional health of your children ages 2 months to 5 years who live in Boone County. The screening takes approximately 10 minutes to complete. BCECC staff will discuss results with you and share resources to support your family. Use the link to register and complete an age-appropriate survey for your child today.

Announcement sponsored by Psychiatry
Seeking High School Aged Youth to Participate in Friends & Texting Research Study
We are inviting high school students to participate with a close friend in a study about texting and friendship. To be eligible, teens must own a smartphone and use it regularly to communicate with the participating friend. Participation involves two visits to our research lab at MU. Friends will complete surveys and do a short activity together and then text each other as they normally would for two weeks. At the second visit, we will securely download the text messages exchanged between the two friends during the study period. Both friends will receive $20 per lab visit ($40 total) and can enter to win a $100 gift card by completing an online survey six months later. If interested, contact Allie Spiekerman (

Announcement sponsored by the Department of Psychological Sciences
Master of Public Health (MPH) Program Info Session: April 1, 1-2 p.m.
Interested in a health career, but unsure of your options? Interested in preventing disease, investigating risk factors, community wellness, environmental health or health promotion? Join us for a virtual Master of Public Health Information Session and learn more about what an MPH can do for you! The MPH program at Mizzou may be done in-person or online. Students value our convenience and cost-competitiveness. Job placements have included the National Institutes of Health; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; local/state public health agencies; clinical settings and universities. Session will occur on April 1, 2025, from 1-2 p.m. To RSVP or for questions, please email Jacob Nicholson at

Announcement sponsored by Public Health
Seeking Females With Sleep and Pain Complaints for a Research Study
We are recruiting females for a research study on sleep, pain and cognition. You may be eligible to participate if you 18+ old, are MRI eligible (not pregnant or have any internal metal objects) and struggle with sleep and/or pain. Other inclusion/exclusion criteria may apply. Participation would last ~2 weeks and consist of (but is not limited to) an sleep tracking & an at-home sleep study; virtual surveys & tasks and an MRI appointment and physical assessments at the University hospital. Our study does not provide treatment but will provide compensation for completion of the participation. For more info, email, or fill out our online screener:

Announcement sponsored by School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry
Save the Date: National Graduate and Professional Student Appreciation Week – April 7-11, 2025!
Join us April 7-11, 2025, as we celebrate National Graduate and Professional Student Appreciation Week, a nationwide effort to recognize the contributions of graduate and professional students. At Mizzou, the Graduate School and campus partners honor the 7,000+ graduate and professional students who make the university a vibrant place for research, teaching and learning. We’re excited to welcome Amy Morin, international bestselling author and mental strength expert, as our keynote speaker on Friday, April 11, at 3 p.m. in Bush Auditorium (Cornell 201). This event is open to all, with a special reception to follow where graduate students can meet Amy. Visit for details.

Announcement sponsored by Graduate School & Student Health & Well-Being
Adults, Ages 60-80 are needed for a research study on Empagliflozin and vascular health
The Department of Medicine is seeking individuals between 60-80 years of age who do not have diabetes or heart disease to participate in a research study. This study includes use of the medication empagliflozin and studies its effect on vascular health. Monetary compensation is available. Study will last about 5 months. If you are interested in participating, please contact Andrea Atkins by email at

Announcement sponsored by Department of Medicine
Child & Family Justice Clinic: Diamond Necklace Raffle
The Child and Family Justice Clinic is a legal clinic within the School of Law that provides free legal assistance for survivors of abuse. Starting in August 2025, the Clinic will expand our capacity to serve individuals and families in Audrain, Cole and Moniteau counties. KT Diamond Jewelers generously donated a rare necklace valued at $20,000. By participating, you are directly supporting survivors of family violence. The winner will be drawn April 5. Click the link below for more information and to enter!

Announcement sponsored by School of Law - Child & Family Justice Clinic
Register Now for Mizzou Engineering Summer Camps
Do you have a future Tiger in your life who loves to build, create and explore? Mizzou Engineering offers exciting, hands-on camps to turn their curiosity into action. Children can build an underwater robot, use coding to detect cyber attacks, find solutions to prevent pollution, discover the field of geospatial science, design a video game, delve into data science, machine learning and other emerging technologies or explore engineering fundamentals with hands-on activities in math and science. Mizzou Engineering’s summer camps run in June, July and August. Visit our website to explore all camps and sign up today!

Announcement sponsored by College of Engineering
Healthy adults 18 to 50 years of age needed for study on eating and nervous system responses
Researchers at Mizzou are seeking healthy adults 18 to 50 years of age for a research study examining responses to eating and drinking. The Eating and the Nervous System Response Study consists of one 2-hour research visit in the College of Health Sciences. Participants complete questionnaires about swallowing, eating/drinking, and emotions, thoughts and behaviors. Height and weight will be measured. Participants will be presented with various types of foods and drinks while they have sensors and bands placed on their bodies (such as chin, abdomen, hand). Those interested in participating or who have questions should email Dr. Crystal Lim (PI) at or call the Mizzou Health Psychology Research Lab at 573-882-6832.

Announcement sponsored by Health Psychology and Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences
Catch Potential Heart Issues Before They Become a Problem
MU Health Care’s Love Your Heart Cardiac Screening is designed to detect early signs of heart disease before symptoms appear. The screening includes a full lipid panel and A1C test to assess cholesterol and diabetes risk, as well as a cardiac calcium score screening using CT imaging to check for artery calcium buildup. This one-hour appointment is ideal for individuals with high blood pressure, high cholesterol, a family history of heart disease, Type 2 diabetes or a history of smoking. The cost is $120 — no insurance required. Schedule an appointment today at

Announcement sponsored by Cardiovascular Medicine
Seeking Men and Women with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus for a Metabolism Study
Are you 18-45 years old, not taking a medication for cholesterol/triglycerides and exercising < 90 minutes per week? If so, you might be eligible to participate in a study examining the way lipids (fats) are processed in the body. This study involves a screening visit (~4 hours), body imaging visit (~3 hours), overnight metabolic testing visit with feeding through nasogastric tube (~36 hours) and two brief (30 minutes) blood draw visits. Study measures include body composition imaging and blood tests. For more information contact Heather McHatton with Dr. Mittendorfer’s lab at Participants will be compensated up to $1,060 for completing all study time points.

Announcement sponsored by School of Medicine